Windows Media Video
WMV (Windows Media Video) file is a media file format that plays in Windows Media
Player. If you're experiencing difficulties viewing these videos, please download
a fresh version of Windows Media Player here.
This is a FREE download and there are versions available for both PC and MAC.
The following versions of Windows Media Player support this file type:
- Windows Media Player 7
- Windows Media Player for Windows XP
- Windows Media Player 9 Series
Apple Quicktime
Apple's complete technology for handling video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual reality (VR) scenes. A gateway for rich media including images, Flash, music, MIDI, MP3 and more, QuickTime lets you experience more than 200 kinds of digital media with your Mac or PC and it offers unparalleled quality, ease of use and functionality. Click here to download the free Quicktime Player.
QuickTime users have been enjoying quality digital video since 1991. Today, QuickTime is rapidly becoming the most popular distributed media technology for Windows and Mac OSbased computers.